Your sparring partner for successful product development.

We unite marketing expertise with business understanding. This is how we help companies develop products that are perfectly tailored to the needs of the market.

Our services as a product development agency:

Do you have a brilliant idea, already a finalised concept or just want to start a collaboration? We are your ideal partner for successful product development. We support you from crafting the initial idea, through the development phase, to the launch and subsequent marketing. As true marketing experts, we know exactly how to develop products that the market is already craving for. This guarantees high chances of success and allows for a lower marketing budget.

This is how we develop products for customers:

Those who have already launched a product know the effort involved. But what if someone could take some of the work off your hands? We can provide you with flexible support in all areas of product development. Whether as a sparring partner during conception, as a developer during implementation or as a marketer during and after the launch – we help you exactly where you need us.

1. Market analysis, concept and strategy

In the first step, we determine the market potential, outline the product and develop an implementation strategy. This includes the development as well as the launch and marketing of the product.

2. MVP development and proof of concept

We then venture into the first minimum viable product. We test it and try to get customer feedback as quickly as possible. This helps us understand the product’s chances of success and to develop a better end product.

3. End of production and launch

We develop products using an agile approach, while customers are already using the first prototypes. This is how we ensure that our development efforts pay off. However, every product development comes to an end at some point. Then we launch the final version of the product.

4. Marketing and long-term support

Every product launch requires marketing. Through perfect preparation, agile testing and direct customer feedback, we have already maximized the chances of success in advance. Therefore, there is nothing to stop us from launching our own marketing rocket in the final step. In addition, we also support projects in the long term, if required, and ensure sustainable success.

This is how we develop products for customers:

Those who have already launched a product know the effort involved. But what if someone could take some of the work off your hands? We can provide you with flexible support in all areas of product development. Whether as a sparring partner during conception, as a developer during implementation or as a marketer during and after the launch – we help you exactly where you need us.

1. Market analysis, concept and strategy

In the first step, we determine the market potential, outline the product and develop an implementation strategy. This includes the development as well as the launch and marketing of the product.

2. MVP development and proof of concept

We then venture into the first minimum viable product. We test it and try to get customer feedback as quickly as possible. This helps us understand the product’s chances of success and to develop a better end product.

3. End of production and launch

We develop products using an agile approach, while customers are already using the first prototypes. This is how we ensure that our development efforts pay off. However, every product development comes to an end at some point. Then we launch the final version of the product.

4. Marketing and long-term support

Every product launch requires marketing. Through perfect preparation, agile testing and direct customer feedback, we have already maximized the chances of success in advance. Therefore, there is nothing to stop us from launching our own marketing rocket in the final step. In addition, we also support projects in the long term, if required, and ensure sustainable success.

This is what sets us apart as product developers:

  • Our compensation is always performance-based.
  • We only develop products that solve problems and add value to our society.
  • We share profits fairly, so everyone enjoys working together.
  • As an established marketing agency, we combine all necessary skills under one roof. This enables efficient and successful product development, without long communication channels
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That’s why external product developers are worthwhile for every company:

As an innovative company, it is difficult to reconcile several projects at the same time. An external product developer is an ideal way to outsource tasks and benefit from external expertise. We have years of experience in product development and marketing – this provides the ideal conditions for a successful collaboration.

Get it started!

Would you like to learn more about our services as a sparring partner for your product development?


Four steps towards project success. This is how we work together.

1. Your strategy call

In a non-binding strategy meeting, we’ll determine how we can make your company digitally successful. We’ll define the framework and scope of the project.

2. Onboarding and planning

After you officially hire us, we'll exchange the required data and plan your project together. We'll also define KPIs that help you track the results we achieve for you.

3. Realization

We’ll carry your project out as discussed and remain in constant contact with you. Through Slack, Microsoft Teams, email, or regular video calls we’ll coordinate throughout the project.

4. Results

Depending on your industry, it won't take long until you start seeing first results. Schedule your free strategy meeting now so we can start your project as soon as possible.

Schedule a free strategy call now and get your marketing project started!